Learn how your Leads are performing and how to manage Lead Files for each Campaign.

Managing Lead Files in Campaigns

After you import your leads into ReadyMode, you'll find them in the Lead File List under the Campaign they were assigned to during import. To access your Lead File List, navigate to Campaigns.

Lead File List

The Lead File List provides important information about your Lead Files. The most recently imported Files are displayed at the top of the list.

  • File name (1) - The current File name.
  • Status (2) - The status of the File. Active Files are in use, and Deactivated Files are not in use.
  • Leads remaining (3) - This tells you the number of Leads in the File, and how many of those have yet to be reached. For example, if "10/10" is displayed, there are 10 Leads in the File and none of them have been reached.
  • Health (4) - The average health percentage of the remaining Leads in the File.
  • Age (5) - The number of days since the File was imported.
  • Round (6) - The current Round for the File. The Round is the number of times these Leads have been called. For example, if "1" is displayed, the file is currently on Round 1. Once all Leads have been called once, the File will move to Round 2.

Lead Health

Lead Health values are based on the age of the Lead File, how many Rounds of dialing it has been through, and how often it is being dialed. Leads which have never been dialed will have a Health value of 100%, while Files which have been dialed many times will have a low value.

Quick Tip: If the Health for a File is low, you can deactivate it for a while - the Health may increase after some time.

Editing Lead Files

To edit a Lead File, click the File Name in the Lead File List. This will open the Edit Lead File window, which enables you to see more detailed information about a Lead File and make changes to it.

The Edit Lead File window contains the following options:

  • Import record (1) - This area displays the original file name and information about when the file was imported and processed.
  • File Name (2) - The current File Name.
  • Campaign Name (3) - The Campaign the File is assigned to.
  • File Status (4) - The current Status of the file.
  • File progress (5) - This area displays information about call results.
  • Import statistics (6) - This area displays information about the import results.
  • Completely Delete This File (7) - This button allows you to remove the file from your system.
  • Update File Info (8) - This button allows you to save changes to options within the Edit Lead File window.

Change File Name

To change the File Name, enter a new name in the File Name field (1) and click the Update File Info button (2) to save your changes.

Change Assigned Campaign

If you would like to move the Lead File to a different Campaign, select the Campaign under the Campaign Name drop-down menu (1) and click the Update File Info button (2) to save your changes.

Note: The Campaign Name drop-down menu also contains the options to create a new Campaign. Learn more about that option here.

Change File Status

Lead Files are Active by default. Deactivating a File will leave it in the system, but ensure that the Leads are not called. The File will no longer show in your Playlists, but will still be checked for duplicates when importing new Leads.

To change the File Status, select a status from the File status drop-down menu (1) and click the Update File Info button (2) to save your changes.

You can also change the status of Files from the File List by hovering over the File row and selecting "Deactivate" or "Activate". 

Review File Progress

This section displays information about the progress made in calling the Leads in the File.

Note: This information is intended as a basic overview only. For more detailed reporting, see Reports.

  • Export a progress file (1) - This option allows you to download a progress file to review.
  • Times called (2) - This section shows the minimum, maximum and average times a Lead has been called.

Export a Progress File

To export a Progress file, click on the Export progress file link.

This will open a pop-up window displaying options for configuring the export.

  • Leads to include (1) - Select from "All leads", "Used leads" or "Queued leads".
  • Lead details (2) - Select from "Contact Information Only", "Original lead details" or "Updated lead details".
  • Do not zip the exported file (3) - Choose to receive the file as an unzipped .CSV file. This option is not recommended for large files, as it will result in a large file size which will take longer to download.

Once you've selected your configuration options, click the Download now button (4) to download your Progress File. The Progress File can be opened in Excel or any spreadsheet software which supports the .CSV format.

Review Import Statistics

You can find detailed information about viewing import statistics and de-duplication results here.

Delete Lead File

If you would like to delete a lead file, please see the instructions here.

Note: We strongly recommend that you do not delete Lead Files using the method described if the Leads have already been dialed. If you would like to delete Leads that have been dialed, please contact Technical Support for instructions.