Get your system set up and ready to dial quickly by completing these simple steps! See more information on how to complete each item by clicking on the video icon or the links to more detailed information. Setup time for all steps is approximately 45 minutes.

1) Logging In to Readymode

What You’ll Need: Your username, password, and gateway URL from the email you received from your Implementation Specialist. Make sure you are using a Windows computer, a Chrome browser, a wired internet connection, and have a USB headset if making calls.

More information: Logging In

2) Get Oriented

What You’ll Need: Log in to Readymode as an Administrator to see all menus and options.

More information: Navigating Readymode

3) Set up an Agent

What You’ll Need: The names of the Users you want to add into Readymode.

More information: Creating Users

4) Upload a Lead List

What You’ll Need: A Lead List that is in .csv format (name has no special characters), has only one lead per row, all columns have headers, and blank columns have been removed.

More information: Importing Leads: Overview

5) Configure a Campaign

What You’ll Need: Decide if you want to reach one or more markets. To reach a single market (i.e. real estate), you will need to configure only one Campaign. If separate Campaigns are desired, you will need to determine what script(s), designated phone numbers, call results, and profile headers you would like to assign to each Campaign.

More information: Configuring Campaigns

6) Set up a Playlist

What You’ll Need: Lead lists uploaded to a Campaign. You will have the option to decide how to set up your Playlist’s criteria (by location, time, file, number of times to call the lead, etc.). You will also need the names of the Users that will be assigned to the Playlist(s).

More information: Configuring Playlists

7) Set up an Inbound Queue

What You’ll Need: The names of the Users you want to add to the Inbound Queue and a message to add to your inbound voicemail or a .mp3 file for upload.

More information: Configuring Queues

8) Order a Phone Number

What You’ll Need: The area codes you wish to call and an understanding of best practices to maintain phone number reputation. Tip: Make sure you start with at least 3-5 numbers per area code being dialed.

More information: Ordering Phone Numbers

9) Add a Script

What You’ll Need: A script file and what information you would like to populate from your leads’ profiles.

More information: Creating Scripts

10) Configure Call Results

What You’ll Need: Some ideas on how you would like each lead to be handled once a call is completed. Default options are available such as callback times, which queue the lead will be transferred to, and how long the lead will be added to the DNC list.

More information: Managing Call Results

11) Setting up Availability Modes

What You’ll Need: Decide which modes (ex. Lunch, Break, Training, etc.) you would like to use for the Users making calls and whether these are payable or non-payable modes.

More information: About Availability Modes

12) Check your Licenses

What You’ll Need: Determine if you have enough licenses for concurrent use by both Administrators and Agents.

More information:  License Management and Enforcement

13) Manual Dialing Settings

What You’ll Need: A USB headset.

More information:  Manual Dialing

14) Training for your Agents

What You’ll Need: Agents ready to dial and 45 minutes to complete the training.

More information:  Readymode Academy

15) Review of Support & Billing

What You’ll Need: Your username and password to the Billing Portal (noted on your first invoice).

More information:  About the Billing Portal