No longer using a User Account? You can remove it by following these steps.
Removing Users
Removing Users can be done via User Folders.
Note: Permissions are required to remove Users. Please contact your System Administrator or Technical Support if you need assistance with enabling Permissions.
Navigate to Users
Navigate to Shared Files, open the Admin Files Folder and then the Users Folder.
If your Users are organized within Folders, select the Folder the User is located in.
Locate the User within the Folder.
Removing Users
Note: We strongly recommend recycling the User's Callbacks before removing the User. Recycling Callbacks will place the Lead Profiles back in their original Queue, where they can be handled by other Users.
Recycle Callbacks
To recycle a User's Callbacks, drag and drop the User over the Recycle Bin icon (1).
Remove a User
To remove the User, drag and drop the User over the Trash Can icon (2).