Want to use CRM data to build your Scripts and Templates? Learn how to use Variables below.

Using Variables

The Variables feature enables you to connect Scripts and Templates to your CRM Fields

Quick Tip: Want to create Variables that are specific to a Campaign? Learn about Campaign Variables here.

Using Variables to Personalize Scripts and Templates

Using Variables, you can easily personalize Scripts and Templates with data from your CRM Fields.

In the example below, we've added the (First Name) Variable (1) in our Script to personalize it with the name of the Lead. The Variable inserts the data stored in the First Name CRM Field (2) into the Script when viewing it on a Lead Profile.

Using Variables to Gather Data

Using Variables, you can insert data entered in Scripts into CRM Fields, making it easy for your Agents to gather and record information about your Leads that can be used for Search or Reporting later on.

In the example below, we've added the (House Age) Variable to our Script to gather data from our Lead and store it in the CRM Field.

When viewing the Script on a Lead Profile, the Agent can type directly in the Variable to populate the linked CRM Field

Adding Variables to a Script or Template

Variables consist of the name of the CRM Field, surrounded by parentheses - (). For example, for the "First Name" field, the Variable would be "(First Name)". It's important to note that the name of the Variable must be exactly the same as the Field Name (plus parentheses) for it to function properly.

To add Variables to a Script or Template, simply type or paste them directly into the Script Body or Template Message Body.

Variables for Standard Fields

Below are the Variables available for your Standard CRM Fields.

Field NameVariable
First Name(First Name)
Last Name(Last Name)
Zip Code(Zip Code)
Phone Number(Phone Number)
Alt. Phone(Alt. Phone)

Variables for Custom Fields

When you create a Custom Field, you'll also be creating the Variable. Make note of your Custom Field Name and use this to insert a Variable in your Script or Template by adding parentheses - for example, the Custom Field "Square Footage" would be added as "(Square Footage)". 

Quick Tip: Make a list of your Custom Field Variables for easy reference.

Searching and Reporting on Variables

The data entered in a Variable is stored in the corresponding CRM Field for each Lead Profile. To enable your CRM Fields for Search and Reporting, see the information here.