Curious about Lead Profiles in ReadyMode? Learn more below.

About Lead Profiles

Lead Profiles store information about your Leads in your CRM. They are created when Leads are dispositioned by your Agents. You can also manually create Lead Profiles.

Each Profile stores information related to the Lead, such as:

  • Contact Information (1) - Displays the Standard Fields that store information about the Lead, such as Name, Phone Number and Address, as well as the time zone for the Lead.
  • Lead Details (2) - Displays Information about the origin of the Lead, and who is the Account Manager. This is also where CRM Custom Fields are displayed.
  • Billing Details (3) - Displays billing information for the Lead.

Note: To view the Billing Details section, the Merchant Processing App must be installed.

When you open a Lead Profile, ReadyMode will also display resources your Agents can use to manage Leads - Call Results (1) and Profile Tabs (2).

Viewing Lead Profiles

Lead Profiles are located within your CRM, or User Folders. You can locate and view them by using the Search.

Note: The "Folder Tools" Permission is required to view and manage Lead Profiles within Folders.